LSR Fontana, "heavy duty" graders
The Piedmont-based company Fontana S.r.l. (headquartered in Crescentino, near Vercelli, Italy) will be at EIMA 2021 with all the fine pieces of its collection. The Piedmont-based company's range of products includes graders, one of the most popular types of machinery. Broad and diversified - the models in the catalog are really quite a number - Fontana's line of graders sees a restyling of the LSR series making its debut right on the occasion of the Bologna fair.
The most significant innovation brought by Fontana's technicians concerns the frame, which has been made even sturdier and more robust to work combined with high-power tractors. A technical note from the manufacturer states: "The new LSR grader frame is, in fact, compatible with tractors of up to 400 horsepower and more and is, therefore, able to withstand particularly demanding workloads, avoiding twisting that would offset the level and damage the machine”. However, implementing the chassis is not the only strong point of this series, which can boast among its constructional pluses a milled wear-resistant steel plowshare (providing greater penetration into the ground), a blade with a curve expressly designed to reduce the absorption of power caused by rolling in the ground, an autonomous precision hydraulic system with independent tank, and a three-jointed towing hook that guarantees minor wear.
Another constructional plus of the LSR line is the new trolley with wide wheels on equalizers - which optimizes the stability of the machine even at high speeds - and the ability to switch automatically from the transport position (2.55 m) to the workplace place without applying safety or locking rods or pins.