Fieragricola 2018, a successful edition
The international review of agriculture ranging from strong points of mechanization to livestock raising and on to machinery trial demonstrations, conferences and information sessions rounding out the event. There was also a focus on youth in the Mech@griJOBS initiative promoted by UNACMA for opening opportunities for students of professional schools, agrarian technical institutes and involved in mechanics
The 113th edition of Fieragricola, the international agricultural event held in the Verona trade fair quarters from January 31 to February 3 came to a close with an excellent balance sheet covering the arrival of 130,000 visitors, 15% of them coming from abroad, the participation of 1,000 manufacturers and an exposition of 980 head of livestock to enrich the livestock raising sector. The four days of one of Europe’s oldest and renowned agricultural trade fairs especially showcased innovations and mechanical technologies as the strong points of the Veneto review thanks to the partnership of FederUnacoma, the Italian Federation of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery, Groundskeeping and Associated Components. Ten pavilions took over four outside areas with 57,000 mqဒ allocated for the exhibitions covering various sectors. These extended from agricultural mechanics, livestock raising, renewable energy sources, seeds, plant treatment products, vineyards and fruit orchards and on to the maintenance of greenery and forestry activities. Visitors were especially impressed by the trials demonstrations held on the fairground and the tribune undercover set up for the public. Among the events staged were Eurocarne, Euromeat, a short supply chain salon, and the Fruit&Veg Innovation Salon trained on the specialized supply fruit and vegetable chain.
Maurizio Danese, the Veronafiere president, declared, “The satisfaction of the companies and business people present testified to the success and current features of an exposition which, for 120 years, promoted innovations in agriculture as the exact direction to take for development. The challenge for the primary sector in Italy and Europe has not been ignored and Fieragricola will continue work on a 4.0 model of agriculture, multi-functional and sustainable from the point of view of the environment and the income of farming enterprises. Moreover, the Verona trade fair is not only an event dedicated to agriculture and the technical side of the primary sector but also an occasion for the promotion of the agrarian mindset through conferences and meetings on technical and policy issues.” In the first place was the big meeting opening the issue, Primary Future.
From common 4.0 agriculture policy, the next challenge for Italian and European agriculture. Among those speaking at the meeting were Andrea Oliviero, the Italian Vice Minister for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and a senator, MEP Paolo De Castro, vice-chair of the EU Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and MEP Herbert Dorfmann on the EU Parliament Agriculture Committee. Through national initiatives for the dissemination of information on resale of agricultural machinery UNACMA, the Italian Agricultural Machinery Dealers Association, is informing business people on the revision of second-hand machinery with Live Shop and the follow up for obtaining the learning licence for driving tractors with a course set up in cooperator with ANCORS aimed especially at bringing your people looking into job prospects in the mechanics supply chain. This Mech@griJOBS initiative backed by UNACMA with the cooperation over the years of FederUnacoma has been brought into agriculture trade fairs and agricultural mechanics for informing students studying in professional schools and agrarian institutes about jobs they could move into. During Fieragricola 520 students accompanied by 27 teachers took part in the initiative by attending 11 workshops set up for them and demonstrations made possible with the cooperation of the Agro Tractors Sroup and the Kuhn manufacturer.
UNACMA reported data on estimates that there is a need for technicians and experts for agricultural machinery manufacturers, in the networks of contractors and resale agencies for 3,000 jobs.
On business conducted, Fieragricola 2018 disclosed a positive balance sheet due to the increased number of business people and foreign business delegations organized by FederUnacoma and ICE, the Italian Trade Agency Giovanni Mantovani, the Veronafiere general director, said, “This 113th edition closed with an increase in the quality in all sectors, from agriculture engineering, livestock raising and on to the instruments at the service of agriculture. We wanted to present the most ample array of opportunities and prospects in various segments of the sector, respond to the requests of visitors.
Especially, there was a 10% gain in the number of Italians arriving from the Center-South regions with great increases from Campania, Sicily and Sardinia. And there were business delegations from around Europe, East Europe, North Africa, Brazil and Iran who showed great interest in Made in Italy technologies. And especially for African, Middle East and South America markets we are working on initiatives already planned in 2018.”