Eima Show
, a formula
for the
Indian market
The fourth edition of the demonstration show of agricultural machinery and
equipment was held in India by the end of August. This is only one event of a
series of initiatives aimed at promoting the circulation of “made in Italy”
technologies in the great Asian country
n. 7-9/2016
PUNE 2016
con la IICCI (Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
e la FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Industry) – ha organizzato nella città di Pune, dal 26 al 28 ago-
sto, la quarta edizione (seconda in Maharashtra) di Eima Show,
l’evento dedicato alla dimostrazione dal vivo di attrezzature per
l’agricoltura locale. Inserita nel contesto dei “Grape Days”, la
grande festa che ha richiamato a Pune agricoltori – e in parti-
colare viticoltori – da tutto lo Stato, Eima Show ha rappresen-
tato per le aziende partecipanti (A.D.R., Annovi Reverberi, Bra-
glia, C.I.M.A., Comet, Dragone, Fieni Giovanni, Imovilli Pompe,
Martignani, Maschio Gaspardo, Nobili e V.M.A.) un’importante
occasione per la promozione delle proprie soluzioni tecnologi-
che. I Grape Days hanno altresì costituito per la IICCI l’occa-
sione per presentare in India l’iniziativa dell’Indo-Italian AgriFood-
Tech Center, centro dedicato alla divulgazione delle tecnologie
italiane per agricoltura ed agroindustria, che proprio nella città
di Pune avrà la propria sede. Realizzato con il supporto della
Regione Emilia-Romagna e il patrocinio, tra gli altri, di FederU-
nacoma, l’IIAFTC si propone come hub per le aziende costrut-
trici, che potranno usufruire di una serie di servizi tra cui una
showroom per l’esposizione di macchine, attrezzature e com-
ponenti; un campo prove per le dimostrazioni; la partecipazio-
ne ad eventi dedicati all’agricoltura in Maharashtra e negli Sta-
ti limitrofi; la focalizzazione sulle tipologie di macchine più uti-
li con attività di matchmaking e il supporto nell’ottenimento
delle certificazioni necessarie per l’erogazione, nei confronti
degli agricoltori, di strumenti di sostegno all’acquisto. La stra-
tegia di cooperazione con l’India avrà un’altra tappa importan-
te con Eima Agrimach, la fiera dedicata alla meccanizzazione
agricola per il subcontinente indiano, organizzata da FederU-
nacoma e FICCI, di cui si terrà a New Delhi, dal 7 al 9 dicem-
bre 2017, la quinta edizione.
almost 2.2 million tonnes produced make Maharashtra the
first and probably the only state in India specialized for this
crop. These figures, combined with the needs of Maharash-
tra – as well as of the rest of India – to introduce new tech-
nologies and methods of cultivation turn the State into a par-
ticularly attractive destination for Italian manufacturing com-
panies and it is in this perspective that FederUnacoma, the
Italian Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers –
with the support of the Emilia Romagna Region and in col-
laboration with IICCI (Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry) and FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Com-
merce and Industry) – organized in the city of Pune, from 26
to 28 of August the fourth edition (second in Maharashtra)
of Eima Show, the event dedicated to live demos of equip-
ment for local agriculture. Included in the “Grape Days”, the
great festival that drew farmers to Pune – and especially wine-
makers – from all over the State, Eima Show represented for
the hosted companies (A.D.R., Annovi Reverberi, Braglia,
C.I.M.A., Comet, Dragone, Fieni Giovanni, Imovilli Pompe, Mar-
tignani, Maschio Gaspardo, Nobili and V.M.A.), an important
opportunity to promote their own technological solutions.
Grape Days also gave IICCI the chance to present in India the
initiative of Indo-Italian AgriFoodTech Center, i.e. the centre
dedicated to the publishing of Italian technologies for agri-
culture and agro-industry, that is going to have its head-
quarters in the city of Pune.
Organized with the support of the Emilia Romagna Region
and the sponsorship, among others, of FederUnacoma, IIAFTC
aims at becoming a hub for manufacturing industries, that
will benefit from a wide variety of services among which a
showroom for the exhibition of machinery, equipment and
components; a testing ground for live demos; the participa-
tion in events dedicated to agri-
culture in Maharashtra and
neighbouring States; the focus
on the most useful types of ma-
chines, matchmaking activities
and support in obtaining the re-
quired certifications to help
farmers purchase appropriate
tools for their work.
The strategy of cooperation
with India will have another
important milestone with Eima
Agrimach, the exhibition dedi-
cated to agricultural mecha-
nization for the Indian sub-con-
tinent organized by FederUna-
coma and FICCI, the fifth edi-
tion of which will be held in
New Delhi from 7 to 9 De-
cember 2017.