Mondo Macchina Nr 7-8-9 Anno 2015 - page 55

In tale contesto, appare evidente che il mondo agricolo è
fortemente coinvolto in tutte le componenti della “water
footprint”. Di conseguenza, anche le tecnichedi irrigazione
n. 7_9/2015
formed as the hose is wrapped when the irrigator ismoved
in the field.What differentiates the hose reel is the adequa-
tor unit which can vary according to the specific purpose of
the irrigation operation. In general terms, themost common
types are lance and sprinkler booms.
The recent trend of hose reel irrigation has been aimed at
savings inmanpower, energy andwater and attempts to op-
timize performance.
Uniformity of distribution
Thirty or forty years ago irrigators coupled with hose reels
rolled with an impact mechanism which generated a char-
acteristicbell curve causing considerableexcessdistribution
in thecenter of the strip irrigatedwithuniformityof nogreater
than 70-80%. Changes made to turbine irrigators fifteen to
twenty-five years ago led to the substantial improvement in
distribution,85-90%,with remarkable results for reducingex-
cess irrigation. Recently, the introduction of variation of the
speed of movement allowed a further improvement in uni-
formity, up to 95-98%, resulting in better adequator ratio-
nalization. In practice, the transversemovement of the irri-
gator gradually increases on the side toward the center of
Water is not anunlimited resource so its usemust
be rationalizedeven in settings inwhich its
availability has never beenaproblem.Daily
consumption,measuredwitha“water footprint”
method, canbe reducedby using increasinglymore
sophisticatedand specific systems for various
types of crops
La Orma di Giardino di Imola (BO) hamesso a punto l’Ekofiltro, un inte-
ressante filtro carrellatoa rete con turbina idraulicaapuliziaautomatica, che
funziona senza alcuna sorgentededicatadi energia, sfruttando la solapres-
sionedell’acqua. Il suo impiego èparticolarmente indicato in casodi irriga-
zione conprelievodirettodi acquada canali, invasi, laghetti, ecc., quando il
pescaggio può facilmente includeremateriale estraneo in grado potenzial-
mente di danneggiare i componenti dell’irrigatore.
Lo scaricodelle impurità vieneeffettuatoperiodicamente con frequenza sta-
bilita dall’utente, attraversouna valvola dedicata collocata nella parte infe-
rioredell’attrezzatura. Inpratica, il flussod’acqua inentrata (finoa100m³/h),
chepuòessere regolato agendo suunby-pass, che creaunmoto vorticoso
all'interno della turbina e parallelamente unmovimento rotativo della rete
filtrante (inacciaio inoxAISI 304) internaal serbatoio inacciaio zincatoa cal-
do, chepertanto intercetta le impurità in sospensione, lasciandopassare so-
lo l’acqua pulita. Il lavaggio della rete avviene costantemente durante la fil-
trazionemediante una serie di fori dislocati inmododa coprire totalmente
la superficie durante la rotazione della rete circolare, mentre la rimozione
dei detriti avviene periodicamentemediante una valvola dedicata. Una val-
vola di sicurezza assicura lo sfogo del fluido in caso di sovrapressione. La
pressione di esercizio vara tra 4 e 9 bar, mentre la rete in inox ha una fit-
tezza di 120-140mesh.
Orma inGiardinodi Imola, near Bologna, has developed the Ekofiltro, the
only innovative automatic self-cleaning screen filter working with the hy-
draulic turbinewhichuseswater pressure to clean itself andneedsnoelec-
tricity or batteries for working.
Ekofiltro is ideal for irrigation operations drawing water directly from
canals, marshes, lakes and the likewhen suction can easily bring up im-
purities potentially causing damage to the irrigator components. Impu-
rities aredischargedperiodically, at intervals decidedby the end-user, by
theuseof theappropriate valve locatedbelow thedevice. Inpractice, the
flowof water entering (up to100m³/h), which canbe regulatedby aby-
pass, creates a vortex inside the turbineand the rotationof the filter screen,
in stainless steel AISI 304 - 120Micron©, inside the hot-dipped galva-
nized tank leaving impurities in suspensionandallowing the cleanwater
to pass through.
Screenwashing is constant during the filtrationbyanappropriate series of
holes covering totally the surfaceduring the rotationof the circular screen.
The removal of impurities happens periodically bymeans of the appropri-
ate valve. A safety valve ensures a continuous check of the insidepressure
to the tankanddischarge in caseof pressure increase. Operatingpressure
varies from 4 to 9 bar and the stainless steel filter has a filtering grade of
Gli irrigatori anaspopossonoessere abbinati alle lance (sopra) oppure alle
ali piovane (sotto).
Hose reel irrigators canbe combinedwith lance (above) or sprinkler booms
Il filtro autopulente che non richiede energia esterna
The self-cleaning filter which requires no outside power
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