Mondo Macchina Nr 7-8-9 Anno 2015 - page 62

cessivo controllo selettivo delle infestanti in post emergenza della coltura
conuna sarchiatricedi precisione, dotatadi un sistemadi guidaedi uten-
sili elastici in gradodi consentire la rimozionedellemalerbe sulla fila, ridu-
cendodrasticamente il ricorsoallascerbaturamanuale.
Presso la cooperativa Terre Ioniche per la produzione conservativa di ce-
reali e leguminose è stato utilizzato un coltivatore idropneumatico equi-
paggiatoconutensili twist, ingradodi attuare,oltrealla fessurazione verti-
cale, anche un apprezzabile interramento della biomassa presente in su-
perficie.Aquestaoperazioneèstatodecisodi farseguireun interventocon
erpiceadischi per lapreparazione “grossolana” del lettodi semina. L’im-
pianto delle colture è stato attuato con una seminatrice a righe equipag-
giataconorgani lavoranti adenteelastico, ingradodi disimpegnarsi alme-
gliosu terrenononperfettamenteaffinatoe inpresenzadi pietre.Primadel-
l’impianto, anche inquestocaso,èstataadottata la tecnicadella falsase-
moval of weeds in the row to drastically reduce recourse tomanual weeding.
TheTerra Ioniche Cooperative, producing conservation cereals and legumes, used a hy-
dro-pneumatic cultivator equipped with twist tools capable of not only creating vertical
holes in the soil but also burying appreciable amounts of the biomass on the surface. It
was decided to follow this operation with a disc harrow for a rough preparation of the
seedbed.Seedingwasperformedwitha seeddrill for planting inparallel furrowsequipped
forworkwith flexible tools capable self-cleaningon soilswhichwerenot perfectly refined
or contained stones.Also in this case, ahead of planting a false seeding techniquewas
applied using a tine harrow. For themanagement of organic fennel, the soil was refined
moreand thengiven raised seedbeds. False seedingwasalsousedon “slut” terrainwith
a tine harrow followed by transplanting with a three-row transplanter. Post-emergence
was performedwith a precisionweeder equippedwith a drop fertilizer spreader for fer-
tilization of the cover.
Some rethinking...
This cooperationhas produced excellent results up to the present by shedding light on the
central roleof thehuman factor for thesuccessof operationswhichappear tobeonly tech-
n. 7_9/2015
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