The whole CAP explained to farmers
After several postponements and extensions, the new EU agricultural policy is ready to go. It will become active on 1 January 2023 with a horizon up to 2027.
The policy changes some of its key points and its financial envelopes, introducing some innovations, such as ecoschemes. Farmers must therefore be adequately acquainted with the new CAP. With this objective in mind, during a workshop specifically organised during EIMA, the informative booklet 'The new CAP 2023-2027: strategic objectives and new opportunities for the agricultural sector' was presented by Caa-Cia. "This publication – stressed Graziano Scardino, president of Caa-Cia - aims to provide information on the innovations of the reform, explain the National Strategic Plan in its complex aspects, with an in-depth analysis on the first pillar and information on the second pillar and the CMOs, reiterating the centrality of the farm dossier. Considering that the financial envelope of the next planning period is more than 18 billion euro for direct payments alone, and another almost 7 billion for rural development, it is clearly appropriate to provide farms with the knowledge and tools to access the funds.
The booklet is divided into seven chapters: CAP - Overview and Common Definitions; Direct Payments (Pillar 1); Rural Development (Pillar 2); Risk Management; Enhanced Cross-Compliance; Production Sectors - CMO; Farm Dossier. In addition, there is a final appendix dedicated to the activation of the PSR by Region.