Olimac heads, maximum efficiency in harvesting
At EIMA International, in the Olimac exhibition spaces – the company is headquartered in Margarita, in the province of Cuneo – much emphasis is given to the high-performance corn heads DragoGT, Drago2, and the Drago Gold, the sunflower and sorghum head. DragoGT stands out for its suspension self-adjusting deck plates, which absorb the impact of the cobs. In this way the corn detachment takes place in a soft way, avoiding loss of kernels between the plates and ears bouncing off the head. Olimac explains in a note that “The corn plates automatic opening adapts automatically and independently on each row to the different sizes of the stalks. Harvesting is complete, without losses. The hyper-dimensioned auger minimizes obstruction and kernels loss by optimizing even harvesting the down corn. The double stalk chopper with scissor effect makes it possible to obtain a finer chopping compared to the single stalk choppers that are on the market. Also, the corn head Drago2 is equipped with self-adjusting automatic deck plates and longer stalk rollers. The working angle of only 18° is ideal for harvesting the down corn and also to prevent the ears from bouncing out of the machine. The DragoGold sunflower-sorghum head features technological solutions specifically designed to offer more power, more robustness, and total harvesting without losses even under extreme working conditions. Among the innovations proposed by Olimac on this model, a special mention should go to the hyper-dimensioned and clutched auger, which allows increasing the forward speed of the machine avoiding obstructions and product losses.