Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

New Oliver Agro for soil sterilisation

by Patrizia Menicucci
July-August-September 2021 | Back

New Velox is a fumigation machine proposed by Oliver Agro - a Verona-based company that manufactures machines and equipment for various agricultural operations - which, thanks to a series of innovative technical solutions, carries out several activities simultaneously. It prepares the soil by working up to 5 cm, fumigates in depth and then compacts the soil, retaining the fumigant product through three different working groups.

For pre-processing, front-mounted integral wheels work at a depth of 5/6 cm, breaking up the soil and levelling it, removing the compaction created by the tractor wheels and leaving it flat and even. The wheels also transmit motion to the pump for dispensing the fumigant. To distribute the product, the system consists of a stainless, with a hydro-injector pipe and hydraulic pump for transferring the product and a volumetric pump - all in stainless steel - for dispensing the product.

The pumps is a CDS-John Blue with variable capacity: from 130 to 550-600 Lt/ha in the FU551 model and from 300 to 1800/1900 Lt/Ha in the NGP 6055 model. The product is conveyed by a multi-outlet distributor to the Mod. Duo localizing anchors, which localize it in the soil, in the required quantity on up to 25 cm rows, working at a depth from 18 to 25 cm. The anchors - hardened to prevent erosion - are equipped with special fins that break up the soil, creating a chamber where a nozzle injects the fumigant over an area of about 25 cm2. Each anchor also has a quick-release anti-drip nozzle that holds the product during movements and transfers. There are also flowmeters, which are transparent columns with a graduated scale mounted on each anchor to monitor the regularity of the fumigant flow. Inside the column there is a small ball whose position allows the operator to check whether the flow is constant or whether there is a delivery or obstruction problem.

This system can also be connected to a monitor inside the cabin. The system is completed by the Pony Flow 4 flowmeter, which measures and reads liquids with a timed intermittent output signal, allowing the flow rate to be viewed in real time by the operator, who can thus control the quantity of product dispensed and avoid spills. Finally, the rear smoothing roller closes the soil, compacting it by 2-3 cm and reducing fumigant losses through gasification, thus increasing its effectiveness. The roller is driven by a hydraulic motor complete with autonomous hydraulic system, consisting of a maximum pressure valve, priority valve for speed regulation, heat exchanger and tank with suction and return filters for the oil, with adjustable speed according to the soil characteristics.

The machine is designed to perform soil sterilisation with liquid fumigant products against nematodes, fungi and weeds, such as 1-3D or Dichloropropene, Vapam or Metan Sodium or Ammonia (applied as a fertiliser).

The machine is particularly used for the cultivation of fourth range products in greenhouses.




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