Meritano, a reliable and durable range
Constant technical and design updating is the strong point of the Asti company, which has focused its production on the shredders and tillers
Harrows, rotary tillers and shredders are the core business of the Meritano company, based in Villanova d’Asti, which can boast a long tradition in the agro-mechanical sector, where it has been operating since 1957. The range - explains the Asti company in a technical note - focuses on a mid-low power class designed for tractors from a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 150 horsepower. In addition to the fixed attachment models, Meritano develops and manufactures manual, hydraulic or automatic side-moving shredders and rotary tillers, work tools recommended for operating in plantations, vineyards, hazelnut orchards and, more generally, in all situations where there is a need to abundantly exceed the tractor’s wheelbase. But the real winning card of the applications manufactured at the production site of Villanova d’Asti is the process of constant technical and design improvement, which allows them to keep pace with the times. In short, the real goal of the Meritano brand is to be able to satisfy the demand for ever-changing agricultural technology. This, however, is not the only distinguishing feature of the Piedmontese company, which has gained ground on the territory also through significant investments in the quality and safety of its applications. Before being marketed - explains the manufacturer in a technical note - all machines with the Meritano name are subjected to a rigorous set of tests and field trials, to verify their compliance with rigorous standards of sturdiness and reliability. For the end user, these standards result in a significant reduction of maintenance, and accordingly, a reduction of machine downtime.