Mechanical exhibition, a political event
There was the significant presence of the agriculture minister Gian Marco Centinaio, the undersecretary for economic development Davide Crippa and the president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini, as well as ambassadors and government representatives from various countries
Due to its public relevance and its media coverage, EIMA in Bologna is the appropriate forum for presenting topics and to develop debates of a political nature. Inaugurated in the presence of the Undersecretary for Agriculture and Forestry Policies Franco Manzato and the Undersecretary of Justice Jacopo Morrone, also visited by the undersecretary for labour and economic development Davide Crippa, the EIMA exhibition was attended by the Minister of Agricultural Policies Gian Marco Centinaio. He has a long visit among the pavilions to observe the most advanced technologies for agriculture, taking the opportunity to open a dialogue with the organizations representing the agricultural machinery production chain, above all FederUnacoma, on the specificities and needs of the sector. “We greatly appreciated the visit to EIMA by Minister Gian Marco Centinaio and we laid the foundations for a collaboration that we hope will bring good results for the agricultural machinery industry and for Italian agriculture - declared at the end of the visit FederUnacoma president Alessandro Malavolti - and we reiterated that in the modern landscape, there cannot be agriculture without agricultural machinery”. “It is therefore necessary to develop policies for the primary sector - said Malavolti - that conceive mechanization as a structural element, and which do not neglect the decisive weight of new technologies, which are also fundamental for safety”. The hope of the manufacturers’ Federation is that on this, as on other important issues, we see a compatibility of the new rules with the characteristics of agricultural vehicles, the streamlining of the procedures for disbursing RDPs, and funds for research, so we can work in tune with the Ministry and with the Government. “Today’s meeting revealed a particular attention and propositive capacity on the part of Minister Centinaio as regards the world of youth - concluded Malavolti - and this is something that I particularly appreciated, because one of the strategic objectives of our agricultural economy is precisely to encourage the emergence of a new generation of farmers, motivated and open to innovation”.