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Market: Made in Italy export do well

Italian exports continue to grow in 2022, recording a percentage increase of 15 points between January and November compared to the same period in 2021. United States, France and Germany remain the main importers of Italian agricultural machinery

by Giovanni M. Losavio
March - April 2023 | Back

The growth of Italian agricultural machinery on global markets is not slowing down. After a record-breaking 2021 (exports in the sector recorded +20% in value), the Made in Italy sector confirms it’s great volumes also in 2022, reaching Euro 6 billion and recording +15.3%. These results are shown in Istat data processed by the FederUnacoma Studies Office, referring to the trend of Italian agricultural machinery exports in the period between January and November last year. According to the findings of our Institute of Statistics, the largest share (36.9%) of the national production of agricultural technology was absorbed by the United States (13.5%), France (12.7%) and Germany (10.5%), which further increased the interchange with Italian manufacturers in 2022. The trend was particularly significant on the US market, which saw demand for Italian-made agricultural machinery increase by 44% (from 563 to 811 million euro), and on the German market where it grew by 21%, from 514 to 622 million euro. Positive dynamics also affected France, albeit with less significant percentage increases (+8.5% for a total value of 752 million). Just behind the 'leading trio' are the United Kingdom and Poland. In these two countries, in 2022 Italian manufacturers exported mechanical equipment for a total value of Euro 272 million (4.6% of total exports in the sector) and Euro 245 million (4.1%) respectively. Moreover, the United Kingdom (+77.2%) and Poland (+46.7%), together with the United States (+76.1%), are the markets in which the demand for Italian agricultural technology made the most significant progress in the 2021-2022 two-year period. The performance of Made in Italy in Spain was not as positive. Ranked among the top 10 importers of Italian mechanical equipment, the Iberian country (-2.3%) is the only one to have closed the period with a drop, albeit a limited one, from 248 million to 241 million Euros. On the other hand, the trend in demand expressed by Russia is surprising. As is well known, Russia is still under a severe sanctions regime, decided in the aftermath of the military aggression perpetrated against Ukraine and progressively tightened as the war continues. However, the embargo does not seem to have affected Italian exports of agricultural machinery, which between January and November last year not only did not fall in value, but actually grew by 2.5%, exceeding 126 million euro. On the other hand, the war in Eastern Europe has penalised Ukraine, which has seen imports of Made-in-Italy agricultural technology fall considerably, with a total value of just over €36 million (-42.5%), thus returning to 2015 levels.


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