John Deere's RDA lands in Europe
John Deere Remote Display Access (RDA) became available in Western and Central European countries this summer. Users with the RDA system can view the operator's GreenStar™3 2630 Display screen installed in the tractor cab, the sprayer or mower to help identify any problems and assist the operator in taking the steps needed to resolve an issue or ensure correct settings and machine operation. Christoph Wigger, the John Deere vice president, Sales and Marketing in Europe, North Africa and the CSI, said “The complete availability of RDA is an important step ahead in the expansion of the portfolio of FarmSight solutions by John Deere in that the wireless connection between the operator in the field and the dealer guarantees a significant saving of time, an increase in operation and optimizing the performance of the machine.” On the basis of data in the possession of John Deere, the use of this technology makes it possible to reduce costs associated with operator support by some 30% as well as optimize the use and performance of machinery.