FederUnacoma at Expo 2015, in the name of biodiversity
The association of manufacturers of agricultural machinery participates in the "Park of biodiversity" project, which will be of particular importance in EXPO 2015 in Milan. The Italian industry has invested a lot – said the president Massimo Goldoni – in order to develop eco-friendly technologies and is today a key partner for the implementation of sustainable production systems.
FederUnacoma, the Italian Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, officially participates in the “Park of biodiversity” project, that BolognaFiere is going to realize in Milan as part of EXPO 2015. “Biodiversity is a great value – stated the President of FederUnacoma Massimo Goldoni – and at the same time a big challenge for agricultural mechanization, which for many years worked for the development of eco-friendly technologies, more respectful of territories and bio-systems”.
After the first “green revolution”, which represented a stage of industrialization of agricultural production with the standardization of processes, the industry has invested huge resources in differentiation of technology, mechanization of both local and niche productions and adaptation of mechanical means to the different climatic, environmental and social conditions of the Planet.
“Today – added Goldoni – the mechanical industry, with its products, prototypes and experimental projects can be received with respect and harmony within a project, such as the one on biodiversity, promoted by BolognaFiere”. Besides, thinking about land management, food and agricultural chains without the contribution of mechanization would be impossible and for this reason the sector of the Italian mechanical industry – one of the most important and appreciated worldwide – attends EXPO 2015 with a particular visibility.
Besides the participation in the “Park of biodiversity” project, FederUnacoma will in fact attend the event in two contexts of considerable interest: the official exhibition on food and taste experience by Confindustria in the Italia Pavilion and the exposition entitled “Cibus è Italia” promoted by Federalimentare, which will consist of a fascinating edutainment journey in the world of the most loved and typical Italian food products, to learn both history and secrets of their quality.
Along the journey will be enhanced how agricultural machinery contribute decisively to the excellence of agro-food chains. The Federation will have its own institutional space, as well as all the other businesses of the sector which have adhered to this exposition in order to give more visibility to their brands and bring out those values that place them in full harmony with the entire project of EXPO 2015.