Contractor Driver Trophy, agro-mechanics competing
EIMA International 2022 has seen the debut of a new event. It is the prize for the best contractor driver of mechanical equipment, promoted by New Business Media. Over the five days of the event, the best drivers competed in speed and skill tests
In the 2022 edition of EIMA International, the most dynamic ever with various outdoor activities and machines often on the move in the equipped areas between the exhibition pavilions, the Contractor Driver Trophy had a prominent place. In the vast majority of cases it is agro-mechanics who drive agricultural machinery, and it is these professionals who are able to get the best in terms of performance from tractors, combines and equipment. Within this broad audience there are those who want to show their skills and measure themselves against other professionals. Thus was born the idea of a competition to crown the best agricultural equipment driver. Somewhere between a sporting challenge and a professional performance, the 'Driver Trophy', devised by New Business Media, the publishing house of the Tecniche Nuove group, together with FederUnacoma and Cai Agromec, the Confederation of Italian Agro-Mechanics and Farmers, made its debut at the Bologna exhibition. It was a competition held over the four days of the exhibition in the area outside Hall 31, in which five contractors registered with Cai Agromec participated, selected by the various provincial associations and obviously equipped with a licence and qualification to drive a tractor. Naturally, it was not only a race of speed, but also of skill, as the competitors measured their skills in three tests, inspired by operations that are quite common in customary agromechanics. The competition field featured two tractors, a McCormick and a Valtra respectively, a Merlo lift, a Zaccaria trailer and a Maschio Gaspardo tool. As in previous editions, six prizes were awarded in the following categories: Innovation, Precision Agriculture, Women, Young People, Diversification and Supply Chain.
In addition, for the first time, a contractor association was awarded for its trade union activity in support of the category. The 2022 award went to Apimai Ancona.
The winners of the different categories
- Diversification: Lorenzo and Stefano Zoboli (Nonantola-Modena)
- Women: Daniela Giuliodoro (Ancona)
- Supply Chain: Gianluca and Michele Turco (Lesina-Foggia)
- Young People: Stefano Monticini (Arezzo)
- Innovation: Carlo, Luigi and Michele Pea - Pea Group (Verolavecchia-Brescia)
- Precision Agriculture: Claudio Spagnoli (Castelgoffredo-Mantova)