Agricultural mechanization key player in Verona
The Verona trade fair will take place in the context of a more favourable market compared to the trends of previous years. The sales of tractors and agricultural machinery are on the rise, and for agricultural operators it is particularly important to be able to see firsthand the most up-to-date technological solutions. Space is also given to machinery field tests
Agricultural mechanics is at the forefront at the 2018 edition of Fieragricola. All the major international brands are present in Verona, where the exhibition spaces have been enlarged compared to the 2016 edition (New Holland occupies the whole pavilion 1 in the exhibition grounds). The interest for Fieragricola is particularly motivated by the new market trends, says Massimo Goldoni, Managing Director of FederUnacoma surl: “Forecasts made by FederUnacoma show that, thanks to investments activated by the Programmes for Rural Development and the funding made available by INAIL (the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) for the purchase of new equipment for agriculture, this year, after a prolonged period of steady decline, there will a positive turn in the market, in addition to the ‘forced’ increases brought on by the new European legislation on the type-approval for agricultural vehicles that came into effect January 2018, which caused manufacturers to implement more aggressive marketing strategies aimed at selling stock of machinery already produced by the end of 2017.” The 2018 edition of Fieragricola also includes a mechanization Committee, which demonstrates the importance of a sector that takes up pavilions 1, 2, 6, 7 and that also has a space for field tests. The Dynamic Show is, in fact, a demonstrative and dynamic external area that covers a surface of 7,500 square metres, for the “live” presentation of novel items on the market, machines and equipment, in three daily appointments (at 10:30am, 12:00pm, and 2:30pm). Giovanni Mantovani , Director General of Veronafiere, anticipates that: “The major brands on the market are involved in demonstrating the technical and practical features of their equipment, strictly in action, for open field conservation agriculture, vineyard and orchard management and 4.0 agriculture and precision agriculture.”
On the occasion of Fieragricola Unacma, the National Union of Agricultural Machinery Dealers, is organizing a dense programme of conferences, meetings and events connected to training and services that increasingly characterize the activity of dealers of agricultural machines and equipment. According to Roberto Rinaldin, President of Unacma, “Fieragricola is an important occasion to present the activities of Unacma to the public, sellers and mechanic workshops, in particular the ones operating in the North-East, starting from the main ones: Mech@griJOBS, dedicated to dissemination aimed at students of the agro-mechanic schools, the Network Unacma Roc, an acronym that stands for “Network of Certified Mechanics Workshops”, set up for the standardization of agricultural machinery and the preparation for vehicle inspection, and the Officina Live (Live Workshop).”
Finally, thanks to the collaboration between Fieragricola and Ancors, the Italian National Association of Consultants and Persons Responsible for Occupational Safety, visitors will be able to obtain the abilitation to drive agricultural and forestry tractors. The Manager of Veronafiere Luciano Rizzi declares: “We believe that the level of a trade fair must be assessed also considering the services being offered, which must meet the needs of exhibiting firms and visitors. The courses being organized are an indispensable training tool, also to increase occupational safety in agriculture.” Courses are intended for farmers who can self-certify an experience of at least two years as tractor operators. Vice Director of Ancors Eliseo Maiolino clarifies: “Five courses with 24 participants for each session will train 120 operators. The course lasts four hours and will be free of charge.”