Mondo Macchina Nr 7-8-9 Anno 2015 - page 22

Il ruolodellameccanizzazionenellaproduttivitàdel
sistemaagricoloenella sicurezzaalimentareè il
tema sceltoper l’incontropubblicopromossodal
Clubof Bologna, incollaborazionecon laprestigiosa
Accademiadei Georgofili, che si tiene il 21
settembreal TeatrodellaTerra, presso il Parcodelle
di LuigiBodria -PresidentedelClubofBologna
l temacentralepropostodall’EsposizioneUniversalediMilano,“Feeding
thePlanet,Energy for Life”,haapertoungrandedibattitosul futuroali-
mentaredelmondoesul dirittodi tutti adaccederea risorsealimenta-
ri adeguate. Si tratta di una sfida globale in cui, da un lato, occorreman-
tenereediffondere gli elevati valori di resaproduttiva raggiunti dalleagri-
colturepiùavanzatenel rispettodell’ambientee salvaguardando le risor-
se del pianeta, e dall’altro, in particolare nelle areemeno avanzate, ga-
rantire a una popolazionemondiale in costante aumento la possibilità di
produrre le risorsealimentari necessarieai propri fabbisogni.
Inentrambi i casi, lemacchineagricolee lameccanizzazionesvolgonoun
indiscutibile ruolodi primaria importanzae,per talemotivo, il Clubof Bo-
lognasi riunisceeccezionalmenteaMilano, insedutaapertaal pubblico,
per discutereemettere in lucegli aspetti di sostenibilitàesicurezzadel-
le produzioni alimentari che solo unamoderna e razionalemeccanizza-
zione consentiràdi perseguire su larga scalaeper tutti.
Importanti esperti internazionali evidenzieranno come l’uso delle più
moderne tecnologie nella meccanizzazione agricola consenta di pro-
durre alimenti inmodo sostenibile e sicuro e lo sviluppo di macchine
semplici ed economiche costituisca un fondamentalemezzo per favo-
rire la sicurezza alimentare nei paesi emergenti.
Peraltro,non vadimenticato chenel lungopercorsodellasocietàuma-
na, iniziato circa10.000 anni fa con la scoperta dell’agricoltura e del-
l’allevamento, lo sviluppodi attrezzi agricoli semprepiùefficaci ha co-
byLuigiBodria -PresidentClubofBologna
he central themeproposedby theUniversal ExpositionofMilan,“Feed-
ing thePlanet, Energy for Life”, openeda great debateon the futureof
food in theworldand the right of everyone tohaveaccess toadequate
food. It is a global challenge in which we must maintain and spread the high
yields achieved by themost advanced agriculture, respecting the environment
andpreserving the planet’s resources.At the same time, particularly in the less
advanced regions, wemust provide a growingworld populationwith themeans
to produce the food resources they need.
In both cases, agricultural machinery andmechanization play an unquestion-
able leading role and, for this reason, the Club of Bolognameets exceptionally
inMilan, in ameeting open to the public, to discuss and highlight the aspects
of sustainability and security of foodproduction that only amodernandefficient
mechanization can achieve on a large scale and for everyone.
Important international experts will highlight how the use of modern technolo-
gies in agricultural machinery enables the production of food in a sustainable
and safemanner. The development of simple and cost-effectivemachines con-
stitutes a fundamental means of promoting food security in developing coun-
Moreover, we should not forget that in the long course of human society, which
began about 10,000 years ago with the discovery of agriculture and livestock,
the development of more effective agricultural tools has been for thousands of
years themain driver of growth and development.
Theymade possible the increase in production capacity of the individual,mak-
ing available a surplus of food that freed aworkforce for the development and
growth of different sectors, thus causing the gradual evolution and economic
growth of society.
But wemust go as far as 1700, with the advent of the “Age of Enlightenment “
to see the birth of modern scientific thought based on “reason” and the begin-
ning of the great journey of science that has so profoundly changedMan’s way
of life.
In theUK, at thebeginningof the1700s, the first driven seeddrill is built,mark-
ing the beginning of the extraordinary development of mechanization, which in
the last three centuries has led to amore than hundredfold increase in human
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