Mondo Macchina Nr 7-8-9 Anno 2015 - page 16

preparativi per l’edizione2015 di Agrilevantemarciano a
pieno ritmo. L’Ufficio Eventi di FederUnacoma, che insie-
me all’Ente Fiera del Levante organizza la manifestazio-
ne, cheavrà luogoaBari da15al 18ottobreprossimo, sta
ultimando l’assegnazione degli spazi espositivi e il calen-
dario delle attività per questa rassegna che costituisce il
principale evento dedicato alla meccanica agricola e alle
tecnologie per le filiere agro-industriali dell’intera areame-
diterranea. La richiesta di spazi espositivi da parte di indu-
strie costruttrici di macchine e attrezzature per le lavora-
zioni agricole e di tecnologie per l’agricoltura amatoriale e
la cura del verde ha già raggiunto, a circa unmese emez-
zo dall’apertura della rassegna, una superficie complessi-
vapari a54milametri quadrati, conun incrementodell’8%
rispetto all’edizione 2013; mentre il numero delle aziende
partecipanti si èattestatoaquota310, chegià rappresenta
byEditorial Staff
reparations for the2015editionofAgrilevantearemovingahead
at a brisk pacewith the addition of final touches by the organiz-
ers of the review, the events office of the ItalianAgricultural Ma-
chineryManufacturersFederation,FederUnacoma,and theLevanteTrade
FairAgency,completing theassignment of exhibitionareasand thesched-
uleof events.The review, scheduled for next October 15 to18 inBari, is
one of the major events dedicated to agricultural mechanization and
technologies for agro-industrial supply chains in theentireMediterranean
region. About amonth and a half before the opening of the review, the
request for exhibition space arriving frommanufacturers of machinery,
equipment and technologies for agriculture and non-professional farm-
ers and for groundskeeping comes to 54,000m², an 8% increase over
the2013exhibitionarea,and thenumber of companies takingpart has
reached310, a10% increaseover theprevious edition.Beyong the sta-
tistics, success forAgrilevantewill bemeasuredmainly by thequality of
the technical contents of the review and their strategic importance for
theMediterranean region. Planned for the 2015 edition is an Interna-
tionalizationArea set up for business-to-businessmeetings of business
people fromabroadand theexhibiting companies.This sectionwill host
delegations fromEasternEuropeand theBalkans:mainlyAlbania,Bosnia,
Bulgaria,Croatia, Romania,Russia,Serbia,Slovenia,Ukraine;Africa:Al-
Africa, Tunisia; and from theMiddleEast: Iran and Turkey. In addition
to activities set up for facilitating commercial contacts, organized by
FederUnacoma and ICE, the Italian Foreign TradeAgency, are policy ini-
tiatives planned thanks in part with the cooperation with the Mediter-
ranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, IAM, with a long history of agricul-
tural training and research in the Mediterranean countries. These ini-
tiativeswill involvegovernment anddiplomatic representatives fromMid-
n. 7_9/2015
Acircaunmeseemezzodall’apertura, la rassegna
internazionaledellameccanicaedelle tecnologieper
l’agricolturadelmediterraneo registra incrementi
rispettoall’edizioneprecedente, in termini di
superficieedi numerodi espositori. Inevidenza la
caratura internazionaledellamanifestazione,
Levante, condelegazioni di operatori epolitici
provenienti danumerosi Paesi dell’Europaorientalee
dei Balcani, delMediorienteedell’Africa
,versoun’edizione record
1...,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,...84
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