di GiovanniM. Losavio
nteprimamondialeallaKermessediHannover per l’at-
tesa serie X8, con la qualeMcCormick fa il suo esor-
dio nel segmento di potenza superiore ai 300 cavalli.
I tremodelli della nuova X8, alimentati damotori a 6 cilindri
BetaPower Fuel Efficiency da6,7 litri con turbocompressore
elettronicoageometria variabile (eVGT),partono infatti daun
minimo di 264 cavalli per arrivare ai 310 del top di gamma.
Tra le caratteristiche vincenti della serie X8, oltre alla tra-
smissione a variazione continua ZF a quattro stadi, c’è il de-
sign, con uno stile – per il cofano, la carrozzeria e gli interni
cabina – che ripropone standard tipici del settore automoti-
ve.Comenella tradizioneMcCormick,grandeattenzioneèsta-
taprestataancheallaprogettazionedella cabina,silenziosa,
isolatada vibrazioni eclimatizzata,per creareunambientedi
lavoroconfortevoleedergonomicoper l’operatore.Nellagam-
byGiovanniM. Losavio
orld premiere at the Hanover event for themuch
anticipated X8 series, with which McCormick
makes its debut in the power segment above300
horsepower.The threemodels of thenewX8, poweredbyBe-
taPower Fuel Efficiency 6.7 litre turbocharged6-cylinder en-
gineswithelectronic variable geometry turbocharger (eVGT)
start from aminimum of 264horsepower up to310 for the
topof the range. Inaddition to theZF four-stage continuously
variable transmission, another winning features of the X8
series is the design, with a style of the hood, body and cab-
in interior that offers standards typical of theautomotive in-
dustry. As is McCormick tradition, great attention was paid
to the design of the cabin, quiet, insulated from vibrations,
air-conditioned to createa comfortableandergonomicwork-
ingenvironment for theoperator.Meanwhile, in theX6 range,
theX6VT-Drive versionmakes its debut (ideal for farms and
municipalities), incorporating the technical characteristics
of the X6, but differing from it for the continuously variable
transmission produced by Argo Tractors, withmultifunction
armrest andVT-Easypilot system to control the various trac-
tor functions.The continuously variable transmission is also
suppliedon theX7VT-Drivemodels (three4-cylindermodels
n. 11/2015
Potenzaal “
”per inuovi
Nuova serieX8, con tremodelli che vannodaun
minimodi 264Cv adunmassimodi 310.
Caratteristiche vincenti dellanuova serie la
trasmissionea variazionecontinuaZFe il nuovo
designper carrozzeriaed interni