Mondo Macchina Nr 11 Anno 2015 - page 38

a curadellaRedazione
agrandekermessedi Agritechnica,organizzatadallaDLG
(Società tedescaper l’agricoltura) e chesi tienealla fie-
ra di Hannover dal 10 al 14 novembre, vede la parteci-
pazionedi circa2.800espositori provenienti da52paesi. La
migliore produzione di trattrici,macchine operatrici, attrezza-
turedi ogni tipoecomponentisticadi settoreèesposta inque-
sta rassegna internazionale,che richiamaaziendeespositrici
e operatori economici da ogni parte del mondo. Tra gli espo-
sitori stranieri un ruolodi primopianospettaalleaziende ita-
liane che rappresentano la componente estera nettamente
più numerosa ad Hannover, con quella ampiezza di gamma
che caratterizza il “made in Italy” dellameccanica agricola.
Delle 1.563 aziende provenienti dall’estero 391 sono italia-
ne, seguitedaquelledei Paesi Bassi (126), di Turchia (109),
Francia (103), Cina (100), Austria (70), Polonia (68), Canada
(60), Stati Uniti (54), e via via tutti gli altri Paesi con rappre-
hebigevent ofAgritechnica, organizedby theDLG (German
Agricultural Society) andheldat theHannover Fair fromNo-
vember 10 to14,will host about 2,800 exhibitors from52
countries.Thebestproduction in termsof tractors,machinery,equip-
ment and components of all types is displayed in this international
event,whichattracts exhibitors and traders fromall over theworld.
Among foreignexhibitorsa leading role lieswith the Italianbusinesses
representing the largest presence inHannover with that breadthof
range that characterizes the “Made in Italy”of theagricultural engi-
neering. Of the1,563businesses fromabroad, 391are Italian, fol-
lowed by theNetherlands (126),Turkey (109), France (103), China
(100),Austria (70),Poland (68),Canada (60),UnitedStates (54)and
thenall theothercountrieswithmoreor lessnumerousdelegations.
On theorganizational level DLGwishes topoint out that, due to the
additionof thenewHall20and theeliminationofpavilion1,were in-
troduced changes in space allocation by optimizing the concept of
sectoral group.Themain changes are as follows: tractors are dis-
played throughout the trade fair; thepreparation,cultivationandcare
of the soil havebeenmoved fromHall 9 to12; technologies for fer-
tilization are placed inHalls 21, 22 and23; agricultural electronics
and providers of “Smart Farming” solutions are located inHall 15;
System&Components occupiesHalls 15, 16 and17, focusing on
themain technological trends in terms of efficiency, reliability, safe-
ty/ergonomics and environmental impact.At the same timemakes
itsdebut atAgritechnica the“Plaza”area inHall 32,ameetingplace
forbothDLGmembersand industryexperts.Finally, thepavilions14
and15 are appointed as only Hall 15 and pavilions 19 and20 as
Hall 20,while suppliers ofmachines, forestry andmunicipal equip-
ment display their productsmainly inHall 26 and its adjacent out-
n. 11/2015
Torna l’appuntamentocon il grandeevento
internazionaledi Hannover. Sonocirca2.800gli
espositori cheprendonoparteallamanifestazione
tedesca. Nutrita lapresenzadi aziende italiane
(391), checostituiscono lacomponentepiù
numerosa tragli espositori esteri, eche si
presentanoagli operatori economici conuna
straordinariaampiezzadi gamma. Ricco il
programmadei convegni, inparte realizzati nella
nuovaareadi AgritechnicaPlaza
1...,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,...156
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