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EIMA 2024, International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition

Trade Agency (ICE) headquarters in Rome. The global market is growing and demand is expected to increase in the years to come. More and more countries are investing in agricultural technologies and require special technical and commercial cooperation programs

System synergies for made in Italy

On the occasion of the FederUnacoma assembly, the vice-president of Confindustria Marchesini, the deputy general secretary of FAO Martina, the President of ICE Zoppas and the analyst Pinosa discussed the strategies to face the new geography of agricultural production and agro-mechanical trade. The message of the minister Lollobrigida

Subcontinent: the market will triple in the next ten years

In the context of the EIMA Agrimach the Italian foreign agency ICE presents a forecast study on the Indian market whose value is destined to exceed 31 billion dollars by the year 2033 confirming thus its leadership position in the world

Agricultural mechanisation: the eighth edition of EIMA Agrimach India

From February 29 to March 3, Bangalore is the showcase of agricultural mechanics. Over 130 exhibiting industries, 15 of them Italian, will present at the University of Agricultural Sciences the latest technologies able to meet the needs of the different models of agriculture of the subcontinent. Sustainability and innovation at the heart of the event

Agrilevante, a celebration of agriculture

The seventh edition of the international exhibition of technology and machinery for agriculture ended 8th October in Bari - with a record number of visitors. Businesspeople from 60 countries, more than 50 conferences, 1,200 business meetings reserved to foreign delegations of the ICE Agency. Rendez-vous for the next edition in October 2025

The Mediterranean exhibition with a 'global' profile

Around 120 official foreign delegates from 27 countries are expected at the Bari exhibition, joined by thousands of independent operators expected from more than 60 countries. Business meetings between the delegations and exhibiting companies, will take place in a pavilion specially set up in the northern area of the Fiera del Levante. FederUnacoma: "the Bari exhibition has a Mediterranean vocation but is also confirmed as a pole of attraction for other agricultural economies"
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FederUnacoma, an international vision

The report on activities, which are increasingly oriented towards foreign countries, was presented at the General Assembly. Promotional missions and collective exhibitions in America, Africa and Asia, and a growing commitment to incoming foreign businesspeople at Italian exhibitions. Economic studies and dissemination activities for emerging markets and technical dossiers aimed at EU regulations were part of the federations's work in 2022 and are already planned for the current year

Summer 2023, the Agrilevante worksite

With the allocation of exhibition space and the arrangement of themed areas and facilities for demonstration activities and conferences, the international Agrilevante exhibition has completed its most important organisational phase. Held at the Bari fairgrounds from 5 to 8 October...

Bologna, a global hub for agricultural machinery

Exhibitors from 40 countries, visitors expected from 160 nations, official ICE delegations from 80 countries: these are the credentials of the international exhibition of agricultural machinery scheduled in Bologna from 9 to 13 November. An entire pavilion dedicated to business-to-business meetings, and a programme that includes "focus" days and informative events to encourage the meeting between demand and supply of technologies for every model of agriculture

Fiera di Verona, the great agricultural show

Verona hosts the return of Fieragricola, the international exhibition dedicated to the primary sector that since 1898 has narrated the development of this important human activity. 500 exhibitors with agricultural mechanics and zootechnics in the spotlight. A new exhibition dedicated to digital technologies, an outdoor demonstration area and a busy programme of in-depth meetings complete the picture of the exhibition event

EIMA International, agricultural machinery on track

1,350 exhibiting industries, 350 of which from abroad, are expected in Bologna from 19 to 23 October for the 44th edition of EIMA International. The great exhibition of agricultural machinery, the only one in the sector scheduled for this year, is back in-person after the closures dictated by the health emergency

Official delegations from 70 countries

Thanks to close cooperation with the ICE Agency, the international agricultural machinery exhibition will be able to welcome business operators from all over the world, in compliance with the differentiated safety protocols established by the health authorities for groups of countries. Business-to-business meetings will be held in a new facility at the Volvo Congress Center adjacent to the exhibition centre and connected to Hall 19
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EIMA: dates and programmes for 21-22

The organisation of the 44th EIMA, scheduled to take place at BolognaFiere from 19 to 23 November, proceeds with the definition of a timetable for the participation of companies. Meanwhile the dates have already been set for the 2022 edition, which will resume its traditional place in even-numbered years: 9/13 November

EIMA Agrimach, a strategic event for Indian agriculture

The sixth edition of EIMA Agrimach India ended in New Delhi with good results. The market decline during the year (-10% as a repercussion of the boom in 2018) led to a decrease in the number of visitors. The "B2B" meetings with businesspeople were positive, while a FederUnacoma-ICE "road show" is already planned for 2020 to promote Made in Italy technologies in the country

Vietnam: Italian exports growing

In 2018, the export of Italian technologies for agriculture reached the record of 5.5 million euros. Despite last year’s boom, our country holds a marginal share, just 2% of Vietnamese imports of agricultural machinery. Traditional methods of cultivation still prevail in Vietnam, but the government is pushing for mechanization
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FederUnacoma: Alessandro Malavolti confirmed as president

During the assembly of the associated industries, the votes were held to elect the president of the Federation and the presidents and vice-presidents of the five associations that comprise it. Among the priorities specified for the next two years, a greater presence in political workgroups and the further development of trade fair activities. The relaunching of the "made in Italy" guiding theme of the public part, which saw the participation of the MEP Paolo De Castro, of the chief economist of Confindustria Andrea Montanino, of the general director of Ice Roberto Luongo, and of the managing director of GRS Ricerche Enrico Gallorini

India: the map of a boundless market

The Foreign Trade Agency ICE and FederUnacoma have promoted a study on the horticulture sector in the Indian Subcontinent, with the aim of analysing the evolution of individual crops and assessing the mechanical technology needs. The support of the Government is fundamental, through specific plans for agriculture and mechanization to guide the country in the development of the primary economy. Interesting business opportunities for Italian industries

Engines ready for Expoagro 2019

Over the years, Expoagro has continued to represent a point of reference in Argentina for the trade in agricultural machinery and equipment. This is edition thirteen of an event that includes large spaces for demonstration tests next to the static exhibition, and is attended by the major world players. Eleven Italian companies are members of the collective organized by ICE Agency in collaboration with FederUnacoma

EIMA 2018, a truly global event

Visitors from 150 countries are expected to arrive for the agricultural mechanization exposition along with official delegations from 70 countries through the organization of FederUnacoma and ICE, the Italian Trade Agency. Some 400 business people in the delegations will take part in business-to-business meeting with the exhibiting industries set up according to the merchandise categories of interest, with a special focus on Sub Saharan Africa, Asia and the Balkans
Public Calls

Mechanization in Europe: public calls for tender market

The demand of agricultural machinery arriving in single areas of the European Union can be facilitated through public calls for tender in which manufacturers intending to provide the specific technology supplies requested. The Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation, FederUnacoma, has signed an agreement with Se.Ri.Gest for the purpose of monitoring calls for tender and aimed at participation of companies bidding

EIMA Agrimach, the engine of Asian agriculture

The international exhibition dedicated to agricultural machinery and equipment will take place in New Delhi from 7 to 9 December. 300 Indian and foreign manufacturers will attend the exhibition showing thousands of models of machinery and components to suit any production requirement. Many official foreign delegations, from several Asian countries, will attend this exhibition as a result of the successful cooperation among Indian and Italian institutions

Agrilevante, Mediterranean prospect

Manufacturers, visitors and business people will meet up at Agrilevante to learn of the most modern technologies for agriculture and the management of greenery. The program of these business-to-business encounters is planned according to geographic areas as organized by FederUnacoma and ICE for a run of three days dedicated respectively to African countries, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Balkans

Fieragricola 2016, a positive balance

The 112th edition of the Verona event was attended by 130,000 visitors with an increasing share of foreign operators. One thousand companies and an area of approximately 50,000 square meters are the numbers that reinforce the role of the Verona event in the national and international trade fair scene. Among the initiatives for the monitoring of foreign markets there was also a "Focus" dedicated to Africa

Globalism: Fieragricola opens up to new markets

The presence of operators from Africa and Central-Eastern Europe characterized the 2016 edition of the Verona show, which pays special attention to business-to-business meetings and prospects on the African continent. The collaboration between the trade show organization, FederUnacoma and ICE Agenzia is strategic for the development of business relations with foreign operators

EIMA Agrimach: appointment in India

The fourth edition of the international agricultural mechanics exposition is coming up December 3rd to 5th in New Delhi. The event is organized by the Indian FICCI federation and FederUnacoma with the collaboration of important Indian and Italian institutions and has shown consistent development since the first edition in 2009

Bari, the center of Mediterranean

The exposition dedicated to machinery and equipment, systems and services for agriculture and the agro-industry is opening at the Fiera del Levante trade fair center. The strong international features of the event are ensured by the arrival of exhibitors and business people from the countries around the Mediterranean and other regions. Consultation services for business under the governance of SACE, Italy's credit and investment protection group, and Banco Popolare bank, and also an area set aside for business to business meetings of exhibitors and business people from abroad

Russia, agricultural machinery market slowing. Italian exports holding out

Recovery over the past three years is being followed by a decline in tractor sales in the Russian Federation where, however, units moved in 2013 came close to 40,000. The Russian machinery inventory is obsolete and not up to the requirements of modern and competitive farming

Trade fairs: collective formula for emerging markets

Italian collectives in the autumn, organized by the ICE Agency in collaboration with FederUnacoma, for promoting Italian agricultural mechanization at trade fairs in the sector in Russia, China and South Korea
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EIMA Agrimach, a winning project

Great crowds of people present and arrivals from many countries around the Asian area were among the outstanding features of the third edition of EIMA International, the agricultural mechanization exposition held in New Delhi in early December. Also on hand were Ficci and FederUnacoma for the presentation of an accord for staging another five editions planned to accompany the development of agricultural mechanization in India for another ten years, up to 2023

EIMA Agrimach: advanced technologies for the Indian market

The international review sponsored by Ficci and FederUnacoma comes to New Delhi for a run from 5 to 7 December as the most important agricultural mechanization showcase for the subcontinent and neighboring countries. The major manufacturers are taking part in the event growing in exposition area and number of exhibitors arriving. Italian companies in the front rank plus special interest in the schedule of conferences on agronomic, technical and political and economic issues

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