In just six years, from 2017 to 2023, Agriculture 4.0 has made great strides in Italy. In 2017, digitalized companies had a turnover of EUR 100 million, last year they reached EUR 2.3 billion. This market growth is supported by...
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Public incentive tools are contributing to the growth of agriculture 4.0 in Italy. Between 2020 and 2021 the turnover of the digital market tripled, rewarding in particular expenditure on machines and equipment connected natively. As investments in 'smart' systems have grown, so has their spread: today 6% of the agricultural surface area is cultivated with smart technologies
Precision farming and 4.0 systems are becoming increasingly popular among young entrepreneurs, but small farms are not always able to absorb the cost of the technologies. The European project Transfarm 4.0 involves five countries and aims to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the innovation process in farms
The market for advanced electronics for agriculture has grown fivefold in the last four years and is set to increase even more thanks also to the system of incentives for the digital transition. The EIMA Digital, exhibition as part of the 44th EIMA International (October 19-23, 2021), showcases the most innovative technologies and offers a programme of events on the subject produced in collaboration with universities and the AEF world association
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Investing in technology and innovation is the only possible way to produce enough quality food while respecting the environment. This goal requires political commitment and a strong CAP. These are the conclusions of the annual Cema summit dedicated to the near future of the EU primary sector
High Tech news at CIMA. The Pavia-based company (headquartered in Montù Beccaria) has announced the debut of the agriculture 4.0 kit developed by its Research and Development department. The kit - explains the Lombardy company with a technical note -...
Innovative sensors, often integrated with Apps for control and optimization, allow the adjustment of the tyres pressure to the correct values for the best use in all conditions
After the debut at EIMA International, the new Arag-Ynnova partnership also makes a stop at the SIMA in Paris, where the most innovative solutions for agriculture 4.0 take the stage. The technologies developed by the Venetian company (the headquarters are...
Agricultural mechanics have always gone hand in hand with agronomic techniques, providing technological solutions to make work more efficient and the use of productive means more rational. A combination that has made it possible to meet the historical needs of an ever-changing agriculture that will continue to do so in future, consolidating development models able of rationalizing the use of natural resources through innovation and research
The 2018 edition of EIMA International has planned a heavy schedule of conferences and meetings trained on technologies, the economy and current policies in the primary sector. The safety of mechanical means, digitalization of agriculture, management of water resources and young farmers are the principal issues to be taken up during the exposition coming up as a great promotion and commercial event also featuring time for information and cultural considerations
The event in Umbria was a show dedicated to machinery and digital agriculture systems which brought in the participation of 6,000 farmers and technicians in the sector. For the near future the goal of the organizers' committee is to extend the EIMA Show beyond the regional borders to become an event with national attraction in light of the growing importance of precision agriculture and the IT control systems arriving in the coming years
From July 13th to 15th appointment in Casalina di Deruta with the field tests for EIMA Show. Three dedicated areas: one for haymaking, one for tillage, the third for combine harvesters. Besides the focus on technologies for agriculture 4.0 and precision farming - increasingly digital - the thematic insights, as well as the historical tractors will be highlighted, and there will also be a musical parenthesis with a folk group
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The 2018 edition of the EIMA Show demonstrations of machinery and technologies for 4.0 agriculture was presented in Bastia Umbria in the setting of Agriumbria. IT and electronic products and avant-garde network systems open on to top-grade scientific management of farming enterprises and crop operations certain to become widespread in Italy as well. Thanks to the partnership of Umbria Fiere, the University of Perugia, the Foundation for Agrarian Education, Coldiretti Umbria, CESAR and FederUnacoma the three days of trial demonstrations are organized for next July 13 to 15 on the Foundation farm in Casalina di Deruta to become the official event for the dissemination of information and promoting the replacement of obsolete machinery with new generation inventories