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The Italian manufacturers of agricultural machinery and equipment represented by FederUnacoma closed their experience at the Milan Universal Exposition with a strongly positive balance sheet.Exhibitions, events and cooperation projects aimed at again confirming the decisive role of mechanization for the development of the agro-food supply chain
The Italian association of agricultural machinery manufacturers presented in Milan its information and promotion initiatives. The presence inside three exhibitions on agri-food chains and a demonstration event in the field serve as a reminder that agricultural engineering is fundamental for every production chain
Confindustria, the Italian Manufacturers Confederation, is coming to the EXPO 2015 Universal Exposition to present a food display and taste experiences in partnership with the leading associations in the confederation under the management of the National Museum of Science and Technology. One of the partners is FederUnacoma, the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation, to testify to the role agricultural mechanization plays for improving the quality of food and the sustainability of production processes