The two organizations signed a protocol of understanding in Rome on October 2nd to provide incentives for agricultural mechanization in developing countries to be sustainable as regards economic, social and environmental considerations. The protocol is also aimed at the improvement of production practices
New agreement between trade fair agency and manufacturers' federation. The 2005 agreement is implemented and the collaboration between the two organizers is confirmed to strengthen the mechanization sector
An important new development came up over the summer for Comer Industries with an historic agreement for the transfer to Bonfiglioli Riduttori of Comer’s full equity stake in the company dedicated to the production of its electric wheel drive units...
An accord signed by Carlo Tonutti, the president of the enterprise with the Tonutti and Wolagri brand names, and Luigi Blasi, with the brands Bargam, Projet, Oma, Rimeco, Agricom and Protek, marks an important new group in agricultural mechanization...