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Agricultural mechanization: Club of Bologna agenda

The future of agro-mechanics was the subject during many of the discussions held as part of the annual meeting of the Club of Bologna, which is now celebrating its 35th anniversary. Research funding, biodiversity, regenerative agriculture and innovative technologies for forage mechanization were all hot topics. The next meeting will be in October 2025 at Agrilevante
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The agricultural machinery market and its "variables"

EIMA 2021 was the setting for the Club of Bologna session dedicated to the analysis of the factors that can influence the global agricultural machinery market. The elements that were analysed included the emergence of the Coronavirus, the impact of mechanisation on employment in agriculture in the various areas of the world, and the trend of strategic segments such as components

Viticulture, a key sector for agricultural mechanics

As part of the programme developed for EIMA International, the Club of Bologna dedicated a meeting to the development of viticulture technologies. Precision systems, from treatments to harvesting, make it possible to make vineyard cultivation increasingly productive and valuable, supporting a sector that is highly valuable not only economically but also in terms of landscape and culture

Mechanisation, the Club of Bologna celebrates its 30th meeting

Sustainable growth of agricultural mechanisation, market scenarios, innovative machines and technologies for highly specialised crops. These are the main topics covered during the meetings of the Club of Bologna, the international organization composed of top experts in the sector which...

Club of Bologna, history and innovation

The Club of Bologna returns to EIMA both for the November 2020 preview and the “physical” showcase of February 2021. The 30th meeting and the Pellizzi Prize are at the centre of these initiatives

The Club of mechanics met in Bologna

There was a record number of participants in the 28th meeting of the club of Bologna which took place during EIMA 2018. The main theme was the new technologies and services for the mechanized agriculture sector. The Pellizzi Prizes were awarded. The next meeting will be held in next November in Germany

Pellizzi Prize for young researchers

The third edition of the Giuseppe Pellizzi Prizes is promoted  by the international Club of Bologna organization which deals with strategies for global agricultural mechanization. In collaboration with the Accademia dei Georgofili and FederUnacoma, the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation,...

Club of Bologna: evolution and perspective of global agricultural mechanization

The international assembly of agricultural mechanization experts performed their work last November in the setting of EIMA International. The numerous scientific contributions provided a look back to the mechanization evolution in the sector and brought out an updated picture of the salient issues for various regions around the world

Agricultural machinery for feeding the world

Innovations in the field of agricultural mechanical engineering have played a fundamental role in the economic histories of all countries. Today more than ever it is necessary to develop technologies to satisfy the growing demand for food goods for the populations of the planet. An important conference organized by the Club of Bologna in the setting of the EXPO 2015 Universal Exposition produced the Mechanization Charter to become an integral part of the Charter of Milan, the cultural legacy of EXPO 2015 Milan

Agricultural machinery, to feed the world

The role of mechanization in the productivity of the agricultural system and in food security is the theme chosen for the public meeting organized by the Club of Bologna, in collaboration with the prestigious Accademia dei Georgofili, held on September 21 at the Teatro della Terra (Earth Theatre), at the Biodiversity Park

Club of Bologna: the role of mechanization in the agro-food system

EIMA International provided the occasion for the 25th Meeting of the International Association of experts in agricultural machinery. The focus was on the role that agricultural machinery plays in economy and in the growth of the agro-food production chain
Waiting for EIMA

EIMA in the 80's: debates, innovation, and new specializations

In the second decade of life of Eima, the exhibition increased and developed until becoming an important reference point for the market and the political, economic and technical debate. The Competition for the new techniques, the Club of Bologna and Eima Zootech were born

Club of Bologna to take up mechanization strategies at Agritechnica

The Club of Bologna is a body of 115 international academics and experts in agricultural mechanization from 43 countries who meet annually for dealing with the development of agro-mechanic strategies and trends associated with particular themes

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