Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

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Agriculture 4.0, investments slowing down

Purchases of high-tech vehicles and systems will decrease by 8% in 2024 compared to 2023, going from EUR 2.5 to 2.3 billion. The decline is caused by lower agricultural incomes and fewer public incentives. Only 42% of Italy's farms are “smart”

Agriculture 4.0, continues to grow

The estimates of the Smart Agrifood Observatory presented at EIMA International. Agriculture 4.0 in Italy is worth 1.6 billion in turnover and covers 6% of cultivated agricultural land. Digital in agriculture is also at the centre of other informative and in-depth events

Robots in the fields are not science fiction

In France, the USA and some Eastern European countries they are already at work on farms. But in Italy as well the demand for robots in agriculture is beginning to gain ground in order to increase and improve production, supplementing human labour while reducing environmental impact. The main stumbling block to dissemination still remains safety

Spotlight on agricultural drones

The use of drones in agriculture is now an established practice. Mainly used for the collection of data that are then processed, analysed and combined to perform tasks typical of precision agriculture, aerial drones are now also increasingly used in...

EIMA, the key role of training for agriculture 4.0

Continuous training for the development of the new skills required at the centre of a conference promoted by Maschio Gaspardo. Made in Italy also enhanced through the most modern digital technologies. Supply chain agreements extended to the world of large-scale organised distribution. The challenge of productivity

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