Mondo Macchina Nr. 7-9 - Anno 2024

n. 7-9/2024 85 TECHNOLOGY copertura totale, a spruzzo o a pioggia. In particolare, la tecnica a spruzzo produce gocce di piccola dimensione, ideale per i principi attivi che agiscono per copertura della vegetazione. Il nebulizzatore Fogger della Naandajain è progettato per trattamenti fitosanitari in serra e la gestione del microclima, regolando umidità e temperatura. Grazie alle gocce molto piccole (di circa 55 m di diametro medio), può distribuire con efficienza sia agrofarmaci che fertilizzanti fogliari, ma anche biostimolanti e regolatori di crescita. houses and microclimate management, regulating humidity and temperature. Thanks to its very small droplets (about 55 µm in average diameter), it can efficiently distribute both crop and foliar fertilisers, but also biostimulants and growth regulators. The future: drones... A promising approach for the future of phytosanitary treatments on baby leaf salads involves the use of drones, especially for site-specific interventions. The possibility of being able to install sensors and cameras to monitor the crop extends its potential. However, there are some critical points: compared to the desirable requirements, the load capacity is limited and the flight range is short. In addition to these technical challenges, there is still some regulatory complexity surrounding the use of drones in agriculture, with specific restrictions and licensing requirements. However, the drone lends itself well to the application of unconventional defence techniques: the startup Pats of the Technical University of Delft has developed PATSX, to control the proliferation of moths in greenhouses, thus reducing the need to intervene with insecticides. Inspired by bats, the drones identify and eliminate moths, interrupting the pests' reproductive cycle. ...and robots. They reduce (or even eliminate) manual intervention, with improvements in efficiency and precision in the application of plant protection products, as well as avoiding any possible danger of contamination for the operator. Equipped with advanced navigation systems, including GPS, Lidar, multispectral, thermal, ultrasonic sensors, etc., and enabled by the application of artificial intelligence, they can move autonomously within the greenhouse, map their surI droni possono essere particolarmente utili per interventi non convenzionali di difesa delle colture in serra Drones can be particularly useful for unconventional crop protection interventions in greenhouses