Mondo Macchina Nr. 7-9 - Anno 2024

TECNICA 78 TECNICA te da 5-8 Cv), con dimensioni e peso limitati, adatti all’accoppiamento con attrezzature di ridotta larghezza di lavoro. Ad esempio, il modello PowerSafe 328 della Ferrari di Luzzara tions, including that of the necessary battery pack autonomy, which can now also be carried in a convenient backpack, ensuring a whole long day of uninterrupted operation. Rather, pruning shears have always entailed a safety problem, relating to unintentional, as well as dangerous, interference of the moving blade with the operator's finger or hand not engaged in gripping the tool. There are already several models on the market that operate in 'man-present' mode, i.e. the blade moves towards the striker only as long as the trigger is held in, immediately reversing the movement (i.e. opening) upon release, even if it has not completed its normal stroke. Now, however, Pellenc has introduced the C3X model with the 'Activ'Security' function, which immediately stops the blade in the event of contact with the user's finger, by means of a natural conductive circuit created by 3 points of contact. In detail, thanks to a double hand contact on the trigger and lower body, 'Activ'Security' is activated as soon as the user touches a metal element of the cutting head with the other hand. For optimal safety in high humidity, the use of conductive gloves is recommended. ... to inter-row work. In this case, the motor cultivator seems to be the most versatile vehicle. In the very wide range of models available, the most suitable for heroic viticulture are those of low power (approximately 5-8 Hp), with limited size and weight, suitable for coupling with equipment of reduced La funzione “Activ’Security” di Pellenc aumenta la sicurezza d’uso delle forbici elettroniche da potatura, molto utili nell’esecuzione della cosiddetta “viticoltura eroica” Pellenc's 'Activ'Security' function increases the safety of use of the electronic pruning shears, which are very useful when performing 'heroic viticulture' I motocoltivatori di piccola potenza, come il Ferrari 328 con frizione ad innesto idraulico PowerSafe, si prestano bene per diverse lavorazioni eseguite negli interfilari stretti Low-powered walking tractors, such as the Ferrari 328 with PowerSafe hydraulic engagement clutch, are well suited for various types of work carried out in narrow rows