Mondo Macchina Nr. 7-9 - Anno 2024

TECNICA (corresponding to a 40° angle), or an impressive 1,850 kg at a slower speed but on a still considerable gradient (37%, i.e. 20°). With the larger capacity battery pack, the claimed autonomy is more than good - from 2.5 to 6.5 hours - obviously depending on the intensity of use. Motor wheelbarrow. It is definitely the most suitable vehicle for carrying out various operations where it is necessary to distribute products, such as fertilisers and plant protection products, or to harvest locally. As driving elements, rubber tracks lend themselves well to the purpose, especially because of the large contact area that ensures optimum grip on inconsistent surfaces, while at the same time producing limited compaction, but they also offer the possibility of steering in really tight spaces, such as the headlands of terraces. With reference to the Italian market, there are several manufacturers who have models in their catalogue suitable for the vineyard, even complete with the operating part. Camisa of Compiano (province of Parma) offers a wide range of models, also in small sizes, suitable for narrow terraced rows. For example, the TP280 Eco model with an accompanying operator, equipped with an endothermic internal combustion engine of about 5 Hp, has a mass of 160 kg empty, a load capacity of about 300 kg on a platform 900 mm long by 650 mm wide (with sides that can be widened if necessary), and a maximum speed of 4 km/h, which can be managed through two forward gears and a reverse gear. Where a little more inter-row space is available (and where there is even a minimum of viable road space), Camisa again offers the TP 500 S model specifically for viticulture, equipped with an endothermic internal combustion engine of around 20 Hp. It is a professional model, equipped with an on-board driver's seat, and optionally with a 540 rpm power take-off, a hydraulic lift and one or more hydraulic takeoffs of up to 25 l/min capacity, but above all with a sprayer module for phytosanitary treatments. The unladen mass is approximately 400 kg, the load capacity up to 500 kg and the maximum speed 5 km/h. In viticulture, phytosanitary treatments have always been the most labour-intensive operation. So, even where environmental conditions are difficult, mechanisation proves to 76 km/h, su una pendenza addirittura dell’83% (corrispondente ad un angolo di 40°), oppure ben 1.850 kg, ad una velocità più ridotta ma su una pendenza comunque notevole (37%, cioè 20°). Con il battery pack di maggior capacità, l’autonomia dichiarata è più che buona – 2,5 e 6,5 ore – ovviamente a seconda dell’intensità d’uso. Motocarriola. È il mezzo decisamente più indicato per l’esecuzione di diverse operazioni dove è necessario distribuire prodotti, come ad esempio fertilizzanti e prodotti fitosanitari, oppure raccogliere a livello locale. Come organi di propulsione i cingoli in gomma si prestano bene allo scopo, soprattutto per l’ampia area di contatto che assicura un’aderenza ottimale su superfici poco coerenti, e al contempo producono un compattamento limitato, ma offrono anche la possibilità di sterzare in spazi davvero contenuti, come possono essere le capezzagne dei terrazzamenti. Con riferimento al mercato italiano, sono parecchi i costruttori che hanno a catalogo moTECNICA Nei vigneti terrazzati, la motocarriola cingolata è il mezzo decisamente più indicato dove è necessario raccogliere e/o distribuire mezzi per la produzione, come ad esempio fertilizzanti e prodotti fitosanitari In terraced vineyards, the tracked wheelbarrow is definitely the most suitable vehicle where it is necessary to harvest and/or distribute inputs, such as fertilisers and plant protection products