With just over 10,240 vehicles registered in 2024 (-13% on 2023), the tractor market reaches - in Great Britain - its lowest point since 1998, when machine sales remained below 10,000 units. This is what is indicated by the AEA (Agricultural Engineers Association), the association representing British agricultural machinery manufacturers and importers. According to the Agricultural Engineers Association, the decline in sales is mainly due to the contraction in agricultural incomes, evident above all in the arable crops sector, caused by a decline in the prices of agricultural commodities. The propensity to invest in agricultural technologies was also conditioned by a meteorological year that was not very favorable to agricultural activity and by a more generalized economic instability, aggravated by political uncertainty (in 2024, political elections were held in Great Britain which led to a change of majority, ed.). This is also the reason why the forecasts of British manufacturers for 2025 are marked by great caution.
Photo by Red Zeppelin on Unsplash