Tractor sales are falling in France. This is what emerges from the annual report of Axema, the French association of agricultural machinery manufacturers, which quantifies the number of vehicles registered in 2024 at around 24 thousand, i.e. 2,000 less than the previous year (-8, 4%). With this decline, which follows three particularly dynamic years, the market returns to the levels of 2020 when registrations stopped at 23,800. In reality, the 2024 deficit could have been even heavier – explains the French association in a technical note – if a European regulation relating to the updating of tractor braking systems had not come into force on January the 1St. This change led many French dealers to register their machines before the end of the year, i.e. before the new community standards came into force, thus impacting the overall number of units registered in 2024.
Photo by Johny Goerend suonUnsplash