Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

The Landini Trekker crawler delivered to Luciano Spalletti


The management of Argo Tractors delivered, to the Montaione estate in Tuscany, the Landini Trekker crawler that the technical commissioner of the Italian national football team Luciano Spalletti chose for his agricultural company, where he produces wine and oil. “In Landini I find those values of continuous improvement, work and team play – commented Luciano Spalletti – which inspire me, both on the football pitch and on the land to be cultivated”. Of the five models in the range produced by the Reggio Emilia company, Spalletti has chosen the 4-110 in the M version with iron track, designed for working in the mountains, on hills, in open fields or in particularly large orchards. It is a tractor with a 16+16 transmission, equipped with a 2.9 liter Stage V engine and passive regeneration DPF particulate filter. “It is a real pride to know that from today – added Mario Danieli, Country Manager Italy of Argo Tractors – our Landini Trekker4 will be present on the Spalletti estate. It is one of our product excellences, finalist of the "Tractor of the Year 2025" in the "Best of Specialized" category. We are certain that the vehicle will fully respond to the Coach's needs."

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