EIMA Campus
Precision viticulture is fundamental to improving Italian viticulture's economic and environmental viability, which is currently undergoing significant expansion. Investing in the latest generation of mechanical equipment is challenging for this type of cultivation, but it quickly pays for itself
EIMA Campus
Reducing ammonia emissions in pigsties increases animal welfare and reduces environmental impact. The economic burden of applying the related techniques is significant, and cannot be left entirely to the farmer. A research project carried out by the University of Milan with LIFE European funds aims to scientifically measure the polluting parameters and to experiment the effective solutions
EIMA Campus
The LCA system measures the environmental impact of production activities and is based on rigorous protocols and methods shared at the international level. The LCA index can also be applied in agriculture by assessing the various production factors associated with mechanization. It makes it possible to objectively verify the improvements resulting from the use of environmentally friendly techniques
EIMA Campus
Tree pruning and felling in urban contexts are necessary practices to fix planting errors and diseases also due to stress and climate change. The Agroener project analyzes work times, costs, and technologies of 33 work sites in urban green areas
EIMA Campus
An experiment conducted by the University of Basilicata tested the new mobile phone systems on agricultural work and the maintenance of green areas, highlighting the advantages of the system's great speed and precision