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Climate change, strategies to combat and mitigate the problem

The event in Bologna was the scene of a lively discussion among operators, technicians and stakeholders on the topic of global warming and the strategies to be implemented to protect farms against against extreme events and soil impoverishment

Global Warming: the compromise of COP 28

Countries from all over the world met in Dubai to fight climate change. It is essential to triple the production of energy from renewable sources and phase out all fossil fuels "in a just, orderly and equitable manner"

Renewable energy sources: projects signed by Itabia for energy

A recent survey conducted by the United Nations launches the alarm on the sharp increase of poverty and malnutrition afflicting hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Among the main causes of this problem, experts suggest that climate change is at the origin of many conflicts in volatile geo-political areas. Therefore, it is necessary to act at all levels to speed up the economy's decarbonization process towards sustainable systems of production and consumption

Climate change: towards a "global" agreement

The Paris World Conference on the climate emergency involving 196 countries is about to open. The reduction of greenhouse gases is a fundamental objective not only to preserve the balance of the ecosystem but also to contain the phenomena of immigration, related to the deterioration of environmental conditions in the various regions of the planet, which are expected to reach a huge scale

Bioenergy: meeting in Bologna on the way to Paris

Renewable energy sources and bioenergy in particular will return as current issues in 2015 at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris taking up the reduction of emissions. Itabia and FederUnacoma used the occasion of EIMA International to pursue a debate and open comparisons of planning instruments on these issues of renewable energy sources and the prospects of exporting to countries abroad the models for the development of the sector planned and fine turned in Italy

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