Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

New Holland technological solutions awarded in America


The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has awarded New Holland three AE50 awards, which recognize the most innovative engineering projects applied to the agricultural sector. The systems which have been awarded the recognition of the American association – the headquarters are in St. Joseph in Michigan USA – are the IntelliSense Bale Automation, the CropSpeed Monitoring System and the UltraFeed, designed by New Holland technicians to improve the productivity and profitability of hay and forage harvesting. The first technology, silver medal at Agritechnica 2022, is applied to New Holland BigBalers and increases the productivity and quality of the bales by automating the functions of the machine. IntelliSense integrates SmartSteer swath guidance and IntelliCruise II speed control, using LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology to provide both precise navigation and real-time adjustments. The CropSpeed monitoring system present on the FR Forage Cruiser self-propelled shredders is based on a radar sensor that monitors the flow of the crop exiting the machine, detecting any variation in its speed. Finally, the UltraFeed header is always applied to the FR Forage Cruiser self-propelled forage harvesters and improves both the performance of the machines, managing the windrows, and the flow of the crop through the forage harvester thanks to the robust belt transmission and the auger design.

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