Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

Italian agricultural machines, in 2023 exports up to 9.8 billion euros

The value of Italian exports of tractors and agricultural machinery keeps growing in 2023, said the president of FederUnacoma, Maria Teresa Maschio, presenting the performance-data of the agromechanical sector at the general assembly of the Federation (Zola Predosa, Bologna, 25 June). Last year - explained Maschio - Italian exports of tractors, agricultural machinery and incomplete tractors reached 8 billion euros, marking +9.8% compared to 2022, whilst our sector trade balance was in surplus of 5.8 billion euros. Among the main destination markets for Made in Italy, the European Union confirms its first place: in 2023 EU area absorbed 63% of the national production of tractors and 51% of that of operating machinery and equipment, followed by the non-EU countries, the United States and Turkey. Overall – said the president of FederUnacoma – foreign demand covered 70% of the national production of agricultural machinery.
Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

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