Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

Accidents at work, agriculture in countertrend: -3.6% on 2021


In 2022, the number of reports of accidents at work presented by workers in the agricultural sector decreased. The data released by Inail (the Italian institute dealing with this kind of issues), still provisional and therefore still subject to adjustments, in fact show a decrease of 3.6%, with a number of cases reported which has gone from 27,000 in 2021 to approximately 26,000 in 2022. The contraction, albeit minor, it is nonetheless significant since it signals a clear countertrend in the agricultural sector with respect to the industrial and tertiary sectors, which saw an increase of 24.5%, due to a total number of events that exceeded 578 thousand cases (+114 thousand compared to 2021). After the Covid 19 pandemic, which had seen a surge in reports of fatal injuries (1,700 in 2020 and 1,700 in 2021), the number of deaths reported in the past twelve months has instead returned to a decrease for all sectors of activity (1,090). In this case the decline involved both industry (from 1,400 to 936 cases) and agriculture (from 128 to 118). These data confirm the importance of adopting highly innovative mechanical means in order to improve security standards also in the agricultural sector

Foto by George Tseganis on Unsplash

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