Mondo Macchina - Nr. 5-6 - Anno 2023

n. 5-6/2023 17 CLOSE-UP a notice on its website outlining all the latest developments, including the many exemptions to the restrictions. EU Council Regulation 2023/427 (the "tenth sanctions package") contains measures that further supplement the list of EU goods in the annexes to EU Reg. 2014/833, the export of which is banned to Russia and Belarus, affecting mainly supplies of products susceptible to use for both Russia sanctions, bans also on "dual use" products A new crackdown on trade between the EU and the Russian Federation. The additional measures provided for in EU Council Regulation 2023/427 specifically concern "dual use" products, namely products that can be used for both civilian and military purposes. Restrictions also apply to motor vehicles prio sito un avviso per illustrare tutte le ultime novità, comprese le numerose deroghe alle restrizioni. Il Regolamento del Consiglio UE 2023/427 (il “decimo pacchetto di sanzioni”) contiene misure che integrano ulteriormente l’elenco delle merci unionali di cui agli allegati al Reg. Ue 2014/833, la cui esportazione è vietata verso Russia e Bielorussia, e che interessano soprattutto le cessioni di pro-