Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

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Year 2024 Number 3-4

March - April


Agricultural mechanisation in India, the strategic role of EIMA Agrimach

The robust growth of the agricultural machinery market has not yet filled the technological deficit of Indian agriculture. Forecasts indicate that the incremental trend, favoured by state subsidy programs, will continue in the coming years with investments in the latest generation of machinery. Agromechanical exhibitions are a knowledge hub

Subcontinent: the market will triple in the next ten years

In the context of the EIMA Agrimach the Italian foreign agency ICE presents a forecast study on the Indian market whose value is destined to exceed 31 billion dollars by the year 2033 confirming thus its leadership position in the world

Agricultural innovation: digital technologies for Indian companies

The most advanced digital systems, which are already widespread in European countries, have great opportunities for development even in the Subcontinent where the need to increase the productivity of farms by reducing costs and optimising production factors emerges. The most advanced solutions, on the basis of which to develop Italian-Indian cooperation, were illustrated by the President of Agridigital Carlo Linetti during a conference at EIMA Agrimach

Agricultural mechanization, the strategic role of training

The Indian primary sector is undergoing a transition to high-tech cultivation techniques, which has increased the demand for innovative machinery. In order to make full use of its features, specific training courses are needed, also for family businesses and women farmers

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